četvrtak, 4. listopada 2012.

Epidode 2

Deaf cover

 You don't have to hear the sound to enjoy the music. It's the feeling that matters, not just words that go to your ears. Like a person sees another one and they see the outside, than they start to judge. The way they look, how they walk. That's the same thing as listening to music, you only hear the lyrics. You judge a song by the lyrics not by the music, and still if you hear the music you judge it the same way as you judge the persons story when they tell you. Yet after that you can't really know the person by a cover or a story they tell you. Cause it's just a picture, a cover, words and you don't feel it. But if you did you could judge it, cause you felt it.
Don't judge a book by it's cover 'cause it can't tell you anything, read it and see what it says.

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