ponedjeljak, 24. rujna 2012.

Episode 1

 A part of the puzzle

 There are some people who can't rely on others even if they are in pain. They are strong people who endure and decide for themselves. I used to look up to them thinking i could be like that and that i won't need anyone. Here is the time that i think different. Everyone needs a person by their side at least few, there is family-  always with you, the one friend- the best friend that is always there when everyone leaves,(for me that is the frame of the puzzle, once you set it you can't change it), the love- someone you keep on searching for or the one you already have to keep your heart warm, and the others- friends you meet along the way(and that is the middle, it can change if you get the wrong piece). Those are the 4 types of people you must have in your life to understand the way of living and to live. It, of course ,won't be perfect but it will be your life and that is just the part of it, so you can decorate the background of the puzzle as you wish.
People come and go, some stay for life, some leave at the bare beginning,those are the pieces of the puzzle that we flip around so they can fit the other puzzles. 

my puzzle is kind of all over the table. I set the frame but the pieces don't mach.no matter how many times I flip them over it won't fit. It's like I have two puzzles and i took the wrong pieces--i made some mistakes in life but that doesn't make me a bad person..does it?I'm still young, I'm a human being, i make mistakes, but than why can't i find matching pieces to the remaining ones on the table ..i just need the middle--did the wind blow them away? did i push them on the floor? where are they? i still don't understand how did i loose them...

Episode 1


When we face a difficult puzzle in our life, we have two options.
  1. is trying to solve the puzzle,
  2. is giving up like nothing happened.    
I chose to give up solving the puzzle. It is a puzzle with difficult and missing pieces.We all want to see the big picture for our lives and the reasons why certain things go wrong or awry, but sometimes we never find all the pieces. We won’t know until we come to the end of our lives. But will we be able to find those lost pieces at the end ,will you be able to smile without asking yourself that one question that has been bothering you the whole life. It's like ... you have a puzzle, and you have to put 300 puzzles together. So you start solving first the corners, than slowly going towards the middle. eventualy you get tired of it and leave it be for few hours-- days, weeks, months , years-- you go back the same path and come across that puzzle you've been playing with- and what you do? you continue putting it together. you're almost there. you almost solve the puzzle, but you're not done. one puzzle is missing. Maybe you steped on it. Maybe you pushed it away. Maybe you left it in the box, but it doesn't matter cause now you can't solve the puzzle-- you can't see the whole picture--When i really need to know something, there was no one there to teach me. So i still don't know what is going on. But i can't stop here. I must, and i will continue until i understand it better.


Hi, I'm Jung Kike. I'm new at the blogs. I don't know why i decided to do this but I just wanted to do it. I just watched this drama and it hit me, I wanna make a blog, so I did. And here I am, not knowing what am I writing or what should I write about. I'm just writing. ---some of you might not like my blog , some of you might do like it... in any case i just want to write.
This ''thing'' might be life changing, might not be, we'll see from time to time-it's all up to me. i wanna write about life. Life is something i wanna explore every single day, so every day i will write something new about life, about small stuff i run into although my life is not that interesting i will just go with my guts and write what i think it should be---You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough-- right?